Re: Global Village modems

John W Baxter (
Thu, 14 Aug 1997 16:32:44 -0700

At 14:52 -0400 8/14/97, Jordyn A. Buchanan wrote:
>Too bad the list of Modems with OT/PPP is incomplete and often less than
>perfect. The "USR Universal" script with MacOS 8 in particular seems to be
>problematic, and OT/PPP doesn't seem to have a mechanism to auto-detect
>modems like FreePPP does.

If you look at the USR Universal modem script, you'll note that it tries a
fairly aggressive INIT string, and if that fails gradually backs off to
something that works. Several of Apple's other scripts which try to cover
a range of modems under one brand name are similar.

Don't try to use Apple's modem scripts for Global Village modems...use the
ones you can download from Global Village (Apple included the one for the
Platinum in the "Additional Modem Scripts" installation in the CD Extras
folder on the MacOS 8 CD. This one is OK, except it sets a port speed of
57600...I use a hacked version which sets 115,200 (and backs down to
57600--unfortunately with an alert along the way--if the computer doesn't
support 115,200...that code was in the script before I hacked it).

In MacOS 8, be sure your clients reinstall OT/PPP if they elected to
install Apple Remote Access...ARA installs after OT/PPP and replaces new
modem scripts with old ones...clever!


John Baxter (Born before ENIAC, but not by much.)      Port Ludlow, WA, USA