RE: FCS errors (PM3 & FreeBSD)

Nick Johnson (
Thu, 14 Aug 1997 11:19:34 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 14 Aug 1997, Phil Taylor wrote:

> We have numerous people connecting to our PM3 with FreeBSD (mostly 2.2
> RELEASE and above) all are using IIJ (User mode PPP) and we have never
> had a problem.

I get the following:

08-14 11:02:39 [251] HDLC errors -> FCS: 1 ADDR: 0 COMD: 0 PROTO: 0
08-14 11:03:39 [251] HDLC errors -> FCS: 3 ADDR: 0 COMD: 0 PROTO: 0
08-14 11:04:39 [251] HDLC errors -> FCS: 5 ADDR: 0 COMD: 0 PROTO: 0
08-14 11:12:39 [251] HDLC errors -> FCS: 1 ADDR: 0 COMD: 0 PROTO: 0
08-14 11:13:03 [251] Disconnected!

lqr and chap, which I would expect to cause a problem like this, are
disabled. My version of ppp doesn't mention protocomp or acfcomp. pred1
is supported, but I've got it disabled. The problem exists with two
different modems, and only shows itself on a PM3.


Nick Johnson, writer of code, fixer of modems, administrator of pops
Gulf Coast Internet Network Engineering Team
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