Re: OR-HS failing to save s0 modem setting.

Andy Doolittle (
Mon, 11 Aug 1997 09:45:58 -0700 (PDT)

Can you post your modem table?

On Wed, 6 Aug 1997, Warren Vanichuk wrote:

> Greetings. I have a small problem involving an OR-HS, it's not storing the
> modem config setting on port S0 properly. I issue a 'set s0 modem usrc-d',
> then a 'save s0'.. I've even done a 'save all' just to be paranoid. Every
> time the router looses power, it reverts back to the previous modem
> configuration, which was another custom modem configuration called 'usrc'.
> Any suggestions as to how I can make the changes stick? :)
> ---- Info :
> Command> version
> Livingston PortMaster Office Router ComOS 3.5L
> System uptime is 1 hours 20 minutes
> Command> show s0
> ----------------------- Current Status - Port S0 ---------------------------
> Input: 918904 Parity Errors: 0
> Output: 141619 Framing Errors: 1
> Pending: 0 Overrun Errors: 0
> Modem Status: DCD+ CTS+
> Active Configuration Default Configuration
> -------------------- ---------------------
> Port Type: Netwrk Netwrk (Hardwired) (Security)
> Baud Rates: 115200 115200,115200,115200
> Flow Control: RTS/CTS RTS/CTS
> Modem Control: on on
> Modem Config: Configured usrc-d
> Remote Host:
> Netmask:
> Interface: ptp0 (PPP,Quiet,Compres (PPP,Quiet,Compress)
> Mtu: 1500 1500
> Async Map: L:00000000 R:00000000 00000000
> Pkt Filters: In:none Out:none
> Dial Group: 0
> After a power loss, all the settings remain the same, except the Modem
> Config, which returns to 'usrc'.
> Thanks, Warren
> ____ ____ ____ _ _ ____________________________________________________
> | _ \| _ \ / ___| \ | | Warren Vanichuk, Systems Administrator,
> | |_) | |_) | | | \| | Powell River Community Network,,
> | __/| _ <| |___| |\ | Powell River, British Columbia, Canada
> |_| |_| \_\\____|_| \_| ----------------------------------------------------

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Andrew Doolittle - Sr. Engineer Livingston Enterprises
email: vmail: (800)458-9966
smail: 4464 Willow Road, Pleasanton, CA 94588