Ron Long (
Sat, 09 Aug 1997 19:27:54 -0500

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Well, kinda, it is causing some problems with my dial up users on PM3's.

Any DNS gurus out there that can save a few strands of my hair

I have 3 nameservers running.

2 primaries ( one for each domain )
1 secondary ( For both primaries )

I am having a reverse lookup problem on one of the domains. If you use
the local nameserver, all the lookups are fine (fwd & rev). However, if
you use a different NS (other than the primary for that domain), all of
the rev lookups fail. What am I missing. If someone is willing to help,
reply off-list and I will send copies of config files and such.

My wife will thank you. (For my hair that is!)
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fn: Ron Long
n: Long;Ron
org: WNSC
adr: 2210 E Central Texas Expressway;;Suite 204-A;Killeen;TX;76543;
title: System Administrator
tel;work: (817)526-8481
tel;fax: (817)526-8830
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: TRUE
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