Two more OSPF questions (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sat, 9 Aug 1997 08:39:37 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Randy Moore shaped the electrons to say...
>First, all of the routes that my PM's learn from RADIUS show up as External
>Type 2 (ospf/E2) routes even though they are for networks that are included
>in the ranges I've setup for my area.
>The routes from my dialup pools and routes learned from a Cisco router show
>up as regular internal routes.
>Is this the correct behavior?


>Second, two of my PM2's will not fully mesh for some reason. They stay in
>2Way status toward each other all the time. They both fully mesh will each
>of the other routes in my network ( a total of 3 PM2's and a Cisco). All
>are on a single common ethernet.
>Does this indicate a problem, and if so, where do I begin to fix it?

That does sound like a possible config issue. I'd open a ticket to have
someone look it over with you.


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