Re: 56K and Livingston's bumbling
Tue, 5 Aug 1997 23:20:36 +0000

> I wrote a letter similar, maybe stronger :), about this, and I was
> informed that this didn't belong on the list. They were correct in that,
> but the only way to prevent this from happening is to acknowledge the
> modems are not shipping and quit treating us like we are mushrooms.(aka
> kept in the dark and fed bullsh*t)

Apparently again their sales people have misinformation or there
is a real problem. I inquired about the buy 2 get 1 free deal. I
was told I would get all of them with 56k modems already in them if I
got it from one of their channels vice Livingston direct. Supposedly
the channel vendors already have 56k cards in the boxes they are
selling new. I could get those supposedly within 2 weeks. They also
told me that cards were shipping and the standard story we all were
told about being done in 3 weeks sending them out. I asked them how
many ya shipping a week and I was informed they had around 1200 to do
so 400 a week was what they were shooting for. I told them I was
like 200 something and it was commented I would get them
this week probably. I dont believe it and will not count on it. I
aint buying anything else until I see some cards and get a chance to
test them:)

Jon Clemons