PRI provisioning question. (fwd)

MegaZone (
Tue, 5 Aug 1997 21:08:20 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Kenneth Scott Bethke shaped the electrons to say...
>Ordering PRI's for our new PM3 today, and they ask me What I want for "Out
>Pulsing" ?? They said it could be 4, or 7 or 10.. what on earth do they
>mean, and which do I want for the PM3?

I think they might be talking about the caller ID info sent to you.
The lat 4 digits, the standard 7, or a full 10.

>Also any word on NFAS support yet? Is anyone in beta for this now? Do
>they need any betatester's?

NFAS is still in development, still off in the future a ways. Not in beta
yet. They haven't made a call for beta sites yet.


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