Re: 56K modems

David Davies (
Sat, 2 Aug 1997 09:51:41 -0400

> Man!
> We should be a little (no a lot) more understanding about these modems.
> It was just the other day that I sent a notice to all my subscribers
> telling them that more lines were on the way and would be in by 4 August.
> This was of course after US Worst told me that the 4th was the delivery
> date.
> Well, we all know the rest of the story--US West had no more ordered thos
> extra lines than I'm 29.3 feet tall. The new due date is 14 August or so
> they say now.
> At any rate, I've got subscribers watching their watches waiting for the
> 4th. If they get a busy on 5 August, it's my head.
> Moral of the story, if we sow mercy, we'll get mercy. If we sow discord
> and impatience, that's what we'll get.

When you've had the lines and equipment for almost 6 months and clients
have seen your company listed on every 56K list from here to Katmandu then
you can start talking about patience. Which is probably a similar
situation for a large percentage of the people on this list. We've had to
communicate with our clients about the modem issue on a daily basis.
Patience ? I think everyone (most of em anyway) have been pretty good
about it. I'm more than willing to wait for good modems don't get me
wrong. But heck the 15th isn't the first week in Aug.

Maybe we're in the minority but we really haven't lost more than 4-5
clients through this whole thing and in the larger scale we're happy as
hell with the PM3. We're ready to get 2-3 more for our other POPS as soon
as we see good modems. But considering we're #2 on the list I think our
patience has been stretched. Just getting antsy.

David Davies
Director, Internet Services
Buckeye Internet Services, Ltd.
"Through the modem, past the NAP, around the World, nothing but Net...."