56K modems

Luther D. Keal (dkeal@sierra1.sinosa.com)
Fri, 1 Aug 1997 15:54:05 -0700 (PDT)


We should be a little (no a lot) more understanding about these modems.
It was just the other day that I sent a notice to all my subscribers
telling them that more lines were on the way and would be in by 4 August.

This was of course after US Worst told me that the 4th was the delivery

Well, we all know the rest of the story--US West had no more ordered thos
extra lines than I'm 29.3 feet tall. The new due date is 14 August or so
they say now.

At any rate, I've got subscribers watching their watches waiting for the
4th. If they get a busy on 5 August, it's my head.

Moral of the story, if we sow mercy, we'll get mercy. If we sow discord
and impatience, that's what we'll get.
