Re: Jury Duty : was 56K upgrades (fwd)

Sherwood Portmaster-List (
Fri, 1 Aug 1997 08:11:01 -1000 (HST)

On Fri, 1 Aug 1997, Jake Messinger wrote:

> On Fri, 1 Aug 1997, Tom Mastre wrote:
> > >I'm out of the picture soon - Jury Duty next week...
> > >
> > >-MZ
> >
> > Something about USR and misleading advertising? (I have users expecting 56k
> > bi-directional.)
> I dont think 56k was EVER touted as bi-directional in flex or usr flavour.
> Is USR saying it?

Perhaps indirectly? X2 CAN DO 56Kbps transfers! *
note: that may be all they have advertised... doesn't claim anything about
directionality...then again, I'm noticing that mail-order catalogs seem to
be twisting this 56K technology a lot more than the manufacturers

* though limited to 53Kbps by current( and actually a quite old and useful
anti-crosstalk) FCC regulation, and having ideal conditions: moon in
zenith, no solar flares, black cat walking under a ladder and such.... ;)

Aloha from Paradise,
