Re: New CT1 tarriff from US West

Jake Messinger (
Thu, 31 Jul 1997 08:14:53 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 31 Jul 1997, Jonathan Lusky wrote:

> The Lucent 5E code our local CO runs could be have number of
> call-forward-busy calls set from 1 to 99. However, I don't believe
> DMS100's are capable of that (going by what bell techs have told me).

We have a 5ess lucent switch going in and they have said "Yes we can do
it, but you have to pay for those extra paths."

> Actually, you put it on the first... the last number in the hunt group
> (assuming were talking 5E and a real multiline huntgroup, not series completion)
> always rolls back to the start of the huntgroup, and that way you don't
> have to go back and reconfigure it when you add more lines to that first
> huntgroup.

If you put it on the first, then it will NEVER go to the hunt. Call
forwarding overrides a hunt group. Also why would you want the last line
to roll to the first? You could have an infinite loop if they were all

> > group that you want to be hunted from the first hunt group, you will pay
> > $28*20 EXTRA ON TOP of the $2 to $5 per line that you already pay for the
> > hunt service.
> Been there, done that (cept we already pay something like $26/line for
> hunting here in Bellsouthland). Bell told us they'd roll our analog
> hunt into our PRI's using call forward/busy for free, then turned around
> a couple of months later and billed us something like $30/line for it... OUCH.

Right... Sounds like you got the SAME story we did.

> [ side note: we're scheduled to convert to all-PRI in 2 weeks, we'll have
> 168 Courier V.Everythings, 4 PM2E-30's, and one PM2E-20 --
> ]

I guess we need to look into this DSR thing before we keep talking about
what we "think" does and doesn't work.

Jake Messinger 713-772-6690
Advanced Medical Systems, Inc.
8300 Bissonnet #400
Houston, Texas 77074