Re: PM3 Lucent Modem Cards in Europe

Martin Sillence (
Thu, 31 Jul 1997 12:38:51 +0100

> Hi,
> I don't like to moan ( honest! ), but I just read on the

I think you should and I have in the past.
I like the product in many ways but continually being passed around and no
answers to our problems are driving us mad.
We first raised an issue with modem connection problems in January! and it was
only admitted after many wasted hours to be a problem in May and then dropped
and forgotten about.
We are still awaiting a reliable fix which I don't believe b20 is.
We are experiencing down time and reliability problems which Europe technical
support have not just failed to respond to but also refused to speak to me
I would like to give this product my support but its loosing it on your
support and its reliability.
Design and feature wise I like it - hot plug cards, ease of admin...
Its costing us dear at the moment with lost clients and damaging our image as
a service provider.

There's nothing else to say but sort it out before your competition does.
