Re: PRI status LEDs

Stephen Fisher (
Thu, 31 Jul 1997 02:02:47 -0600 (MDT)

On Thu, 31 Jul 1997, Kelley Lingerfelt wrote:

> What do those PRI status LEDs actually mean anyway? Phone
> company will be here tomorrow to install a new PRI, was behind the rack
> and noticed that one of our PM3's had the line0 bottom LED red and top
> LED green. Now I know it used to be top LED green and bottom off. If the
> D channel is not functioning, I need to inform all 23 people to get off
> the line, so I can call the telco.:) In reading the list I have heard

If the D channel isn't functioning I doubt those users would be connected
for much longer, but I could be wrong.

> many people comment that they had red leds all the time and everything
> was functioning just fine. So the real question is, can anything useful
> be deduced from the LEDs?

>From the manual "Portmaster 3 Installation Guide":

Green Red Description
OFF OFF The PRI line is disabled. Typically only occurs when the
unit is booting.
OFF ON There is no physical synchronization with the switch.
ON ON The port is physically synchronized with the switch, but D
channel signalling is not up.
ON OFF The line is fully operational.

I think I remember things about different ComOS's handling the LEDs
differently though?

- Steve
- Systems Manager
- Community Internet Access, Inc.
- Gallup and Grants, New Mexico