Re: PortMaster 3 special offer details

Charles Scott (
Wed, 30 Jul 1997 11:40:17 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 29 Jul 1997, MegaZone wrote:

> Buy 1 PM-3A-2T with *48* modem cards at ISP price ($16,830), and ship
> us:
> * ANY PM-2 family (PM-2/2R/2E/2ER) or PM-25 WITH MODEMS.


Since you'll take a PM2 with 10 modems, would you take a PM2E-30 with
10 modems? Or, more importantly, can we order the little plates that
cover up the spaces where the other 20 channels went?

Do you need the modem cables also? Power supply modules for the
modems? Or is your primary intent to just get them out of circulation?


Chuck Scott