Re: radius

John G. Thompson (
Wed, 30 Jul 1997 08:24:10 -0700

At 12:47 AM 7/30/97 -0400, Travis Choma wrote:
>Hi, I have been plagued with a strange problem, it seems that radius
>randomly goes into bouts where it won't authenticate certain users for 10
>mins er soo at a time, other users can login fine so its not totally
>failing, random people at random times, or so it appears, anyone have any
>pointers to at least get me started. I am at a loss.
>Thanx in advance.

Doesn't sound like radius, sounds like a modem.

You can check if radius is not authenticating him by checking the syslog at, or starting radius with a '-x' for 1.16 or '-x -l <file>' for
2.0 and up.

John G. Thompson Livingston Enterprises Inc. Phone: (800) 458-9966
JOAT(MON) 4464 Willow Road Fax: (510)737-2110 Pleasanton, CA 94588
******* The solution to any problem lies in its proper definition. *******