Re: WELL???

Robert Hiltibidal (
Wed, 30 Jul 1997 06:23:01 -0500 (CDT)

On Tue, 29 Jul 1997, Dave Cates wrote:

> First of all I post stuff in the users group with no responses, so I
> figured I could get some recognized if I just kept posting over and over.
> LE knows what is wrong, but just to let you know we are losing about 40% of
> our calls to either lost carrier or "port error unknown state" and LE as I
> said doesn't know what the hell is happening and I have had a ticket open
> for a month with basically no response or investigation. All I want to
> know is what is wrong so I can tell someone to fix it.

Hmm.... I get over 130 messages a day from this list and I don't remeber
seeing your post. Were you posting in the newgroups by chance?

As for the sounds, based on what you gave me, like you have
line trouble. You *may* have some crossed lines which are giving you
trouble. I'd reccommend taking a handset and connecting to each line. See
if you hear any intereference or if you can hear other lines over the one
you're on.

After that I'd start testing modems, one by one....


Systems Programmer "Open the doors of your stores 24 hours a day" Springpatch Mall