re: Forcing traffic to port 80 to go to squid server

Jacob H. Suter (
Mon, 28 Jul 1997 14:38:58 -0500

>Once upon a time Evan Champion shaped the electrons to say...
>>I want to force all traffic going from users on my PM3 to port 80 on the
>>net to be redirected to my squid cache server.

>You can block access to the net on port 80 and only permit access to port
>80 on your cache.

I hear if you set up a FreeBSD or Linux system as a router between your
network and your PM (say, setting up a second network), you can set up
packet redirection to do this job. The browser has to be HTTP 1.1
compatable (or some such - I wasn't paying a lot of attention). Now the
best part about this is that you can turn off the redirection and it won't
REQUIRE your squid system to be live all the time.. You can redirect
internally on the router machine, or redirect the requests to another

A P166 w/ SCSI and PCI ethernet should be able to handle the traffic
without crapping out I would think..

If you have any questions come by #FreeBSD on efnet and ask around a
while... someone will know (we were talking about this same thing
yesterday evening)...

Good luck!

Jacob Suter