Re: WELL???

David Glynn (
Tue, 29 Jul 1997 01:21:06 -0500

At 09:00 PM 7/28/97 -0500, Al Hopper wrote:
>On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, Dave Cates wrote:
>> Ok, I'm tired of waiting for you guys to call me back. If I don't know
>> what is wrong I can't tell the telco or you to fix it. Apparently you
>> don't even know what the problem is and you designed the product. If I
>> don't hear that you have figured out at least what the problem is soon,
>> they will become a part of someone's at LE's human anatomy. If I do have
>> to return the product I will flood the net with trash about how complacent
>> LE support has become. The only reason we went with the PM3 is because the
>> support on the PM2 was so great, but it looks like LE has resorted to the
>> US Robotics way of fixing things!
>> A frustrated and pissed off customer,
>> Dave Cates
>Please take your "frustration" and your "pissed off" attitude elsewhere.
>Your behavior is juvenile - you need to learn some *manners*. If you get
>ignored by LE, then that's exactly what you deserve!

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt! Wrong!

While his manners might need improving, I don't think he "deserves" to be
ignored by LE (and I don't think that is what actually happened). A company
that thinks it can ignore customers in any business is not long for this

Now my experience with LE technical support has been excellent at times,
and so-so at others. I place the blame for the so-so service squarely at
the feet of that tech company god, fast growth. That is actually normal in
any company experiencing rapid growth (Yahweh knows it sure affected us).
But every time I related an incident that was concerning absolute
down-time, I got quick responses, and the responses that were slower were
on incidents that weren't life-threatening.

My guess is that his ticket is stranded somewhere in LE tech support (by
accident), and I would guess he already has had a resolution to his problem
by now (or at least it is being addressed). My other guess is that he felt
like he ran out of recourse with the tech support channel, got frustrated,
loaded the e-mail, and fired.

Maybe a mistake, but critical failures can be frustrating, especially with
the cost of CT-1's or PRI's in some areas ($850{GASP!}/month here for a
CT-1, no PRI available, only 3 year contracts tariffed), combined with the
cost of a PM-3. Some small companies are betting all the money they have on
their move to digital lines. I know I was nervous the first time I hooked
up what will end up being $61,200 worth of phone lines to our brand new
$16,000 PM-3. If it hadn't worked right away I think the visions that would
swim in front of my eyes would have caused me to require a change of
underwear. ;)

So Mr. Cates is having a bad day, and maybe LE tech support got cross-wired
on one ticket (that happened to be Mr. Cates'). If all goes as it usually
does, all will be well tomorrow, Mr. Cates will relate his frightening tale
of being alone with recalcitrant hardware and a phone company, then being
rescued by a phone call, singing the praises of LE.

And there is a long tradition of holding a company's feet to the fire with
the net. Those that yank their feet out of the fire and run to help the
customer are seen as being responsive, with the customer they helped being
the loudest defender. Those that use their recently cooled feet to kick the
customer are seen (rightfully) as cads. A company that used to make good
modems, developed a reputation for good hardware, then starts turning out
junk, and then makes zero tech support or engineering effort to fix the
problems might be a good example. Starts with a U.

And those that run around bad-mouthing companies on subjects they have no
clue about are very easy to spot, and usually carry no weight.

Those that are blind defenders and apologists are worse. That is what's
known as a "Navas" in my book.

But a customer never "deserves to be ignored". A company whose tech support
only helps certain people doesn't have tech support, it has a club.

And if you check the list archives, the guy has been active on the list and
has in the past displayed clues and a willingness to help (check out
=0028487&cache=870150159_5954 ).

David Glynn "When you're swimming in the creek And an eel bites your cheek
That's a Moray!" - The Freak Bros.