Re: Ascend -> Radius

Kevin Smith (
Mon, 28 Jul 1997 15:25:36 -0700

At 03:12 PM 7/28/97 -0700, Tim Patterson wrote:
>I have verified that the secret in /etc/raddb/clients matches
>the secret entered in ethernet-Mod config - Accounting -Acct Key
>When I re enter the Max *did not* asked to save. Tested changing
>the key and Max *did* ask to save.
>Any other thoughts?

It may be unrelated, but I did see this other posting on the PM list:

>> >Once upon a time Adam L. Geiger shaped the electrons to say...
>> >>I was looking through my radius detail file and found this and some of my
>> >>logins:
>> >>Request-Authenticator = Unverified
>> >
>> >1. You are running an old ComOS that does not sign accounting packets.
>> No.. I'm running beta 20.

Anyway, can you run RADIUS in debug mode to see if the authenticator field at
least has something in it....

Also, which SW-rev are you running on the MAX...?
