Re: Forcing traffic to port 80 to go to squid server (fwd)

Miquel van Smoorenburg (
28 Jul 1997 21:06:35 +0200

In article <>,
M Lyons <> wrote:
>On Sun, 27 Jul 1997, MegaZone wrote:
>> Once upon a time Evan Champion shaped the electrons to say...
>> >I want to force all traffic going from users on my PM3 to port 80 on the
>> >net to be redirected to my squid cache server.
>> You can block access to the net on port 80 and only permit access to port
>> 80 on your cache.
>> But there is no way for you to redirect the traffic. All you can do is
>> block other access and tell the users to reconfigure their browsers.
>Paul Vixie recently mentioned that he was working on a "transparent,
>active, caching web proxy" for a European customer that basically did what
>you describe, without the customers having to change any settings.

You mean, that feature that's part of a standard Squid webproxy? Ah :), read the FAQ (the part that talks about
transparent proxying).


| Miquel van Smoorenburg |                                                    |
|     | Owners of digital watches, your days are numbered. |
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