Re: Multilink PPP & RFC 1717

John Storms (
Mon, 28 Jul 1997 07:10:16 -0700

This is good, constructive critisim and the heart of this issue.

We can improve our information flow, I'll pass this along.

At 07:28 PM 7/25/97 -0600, you wrote:
>I'm just frustrated by
>the lack of continuity in the various information channels provided us as
>customers, not just about this issue, but others as well. I shouldn't have
>to find out gotcha's like this after convincing my boss that we should make
>$17,000/unit upgrades and having them installed only to find out that the
>info we got originally doesn't quite live up to what we get in the product
>(I already deal with enough of that from USWorst). It makes you guys look
>bad to us, it makes me look bad to my boss, and it makes us look bad to our
>customers. I suppose I'm just too used to getting more than what I expect
>from Livingston products instead of the other way around. My intention is
>not to offend, just to relay my experience thus far regarding the PM3.

Diplomacy:  The art of saying good doggie
while seaching for a big rock.