How could this be? (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sun, 27 Jul 1997 20:50:21 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Tim Flavin shaped the electrons to say...
>they seem to be logged into the system somehow. I am running Radius 2.0
>and the radius entry is above our default entries. The PM3 that allowed
>the login is running ComOS 3.5.1b20
>servia Password = "**addnlemail**", User-Service-Type = 99

Not sure how RADIUS will parse a '*'. Also, what is User-Service-Type 99??

Also, note that if the check items do no match, it will fall past this
entry - NOT STOP. So if there is a matching 'DEFAULT' later they will
get in with that.

A way to prevent that is, following this, to have an entry like:

servia Auth-Type = Reject

Then if they don't match the first, they match this and are denied.


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