Re: Forcing traffic to port 80 to go to squid server

Jordan Mendelson (
Sun, 27 Jul 1997 12:01:48 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 27 Jul 1997, Evan Champion wrote:

> I want to force all traffic going from users on my PM3 to port 80 on the
> net to be redirected to my squid cache server.

This is a method of transparent proxies which you can't do with simple
redirection. This feature is present in Linux, Solaris/SunOS, and BSD.
Go to for more

> Can I do this with filters? I've been reading and at the moment all
> I've seen is permit/deny, not a redirect statement. Any other
> suggestions?

The reason why you cannot simply forward all requests to a certain machine
acting as your squid object cache is because that machine has to send
requests back AS the host which it was originally contacting. In an
optimimal situation, your network would be setup like this:

| internet |
| router |
| squid oc |
| lan/pm3 |

Anyway, enough of that.


Jordan Mendelson     :
Web Services, Inc.   :
Quote Of The Day     : The world is only round if you perceive it to be so.