Re: ISDN on Channelized T1? (fwd)

Jon Lewis (
Sat, 26 Jul 1997 21:37:07 -0400 (EDT)

On Sat, 26 Jul 1997, MegaZone wrote:

> Well, the telcos know people are "cheating' and making data calls at a voice
> tariff and they don't like losing money like that. So they don't particularly
> want to make it easy to use DOSBS.

Lose money? Surely you jest. While snooping around the BellSouth web
site (looking for tarrif info) I found that they have a BellSouth mailing I subscribed :)

It's really a BellSouth announcement/hype list where they post BellSouth
positions on how the PSC's are evil and don't let BellSouth have their way
100% of the time, and about how the long distance companies are staying
out of residential dialtone service to keep BellSouth from getting into

One of the recent posts was something about BellSouth having it's best
quarter for quite some time with resptect to proffits.

To subscribe, send email to
with a blank subject line and these lines in the body of the message

subscribe bellsouth


BTW...BellSouth meters ISDN after your first 200 free hours at $0.01/min/B-channel whether you use it for voice or data.

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