Re: ISDN on Channelized T1?

Donald Reiher (
Sat, 26 Jul 1997 14:14:17 -0400

>> >> We upgraded the comos. Still no luck.
>> >> What do you mean by DOV dialup?
>> >>
>> >
>> >The caller must call using Data Over Voice, or 56k
>> I am not familiar with that. I thought ISDN was 2 64K B channels and
>> 1 16K D channel.
>ISDN is, but you are dialing into a CT1 and not a PRI, right?
That is correct. But we were under the impression that CT1 could not
support ISDN. Is DOV technically ISDN or not? Is it cheaper than ISDN?
If so, then why haven't I heard about it? I called BA Infospeed yesterday,
and the person said their was no such thing as DOV. Are they morons or
what? I can't get through to Bell here, it is closed (as usual). Anyone
out there in PA who knows how much DOV costs? I can't find any information
anywhere about this.