Re: Request-Authenticator (fwd)

Steven P. Crain (
Sat, 26 Jul 1997 09:59:27 -0400 (EDT)

On Fri, 25 Jul 1997, Adam L. Geiger wrote:

> At 03:26 PM 7/25/97 -0700, you wrote:
> >Once upon a time Adam L. Geiger shaped the electrons to say...
> >>I was looking through my radius detail file and found this and some of my
> >>logins:
> >>Request-Authenticator = Unverified
> >
> >1. You are running an old ComOS that does not sign accounting packets.
> No.. I'm running beta 20.
> >2. You have a new ComOS, in which case this is likely a bug we need to fix.
> >Please contact support.
> I put it back to beta 8 and it works fine..

I sent email to a few days ago. Back before
Livingston started signing accounting packets, I took Ascend's accounting
daemon and modified it to log unsigned/missigned packets, but not reject
them. Lately there has been very little in the logs.

Now, all of our PM3s running b20 are filling the log with signature
errors. b17 does not have this problem.

For now I had to comment out the code that checks the signature, since the
filesystem was filling up 1MB/hr, and that filesystem is not designed to
handle large logs.

Steven P. Crain
Shore.Net Unix Development and Administration
An ISP with Excellence in the Greater Boston Area.