Re: Question : CIR

Kyle Platts (
Thu, 31 Jul 97 10:21:35 -0500

>CIR is committed information rate - the speed that they guarantee =
you will
get on the circuit. The circuit can and will go up to the max =
of the circuit at times though.

>A CIR of 0 would mean that they don't guarantee any traffic will =
through it, but it can go up to the speed of the circuit.

Actually, a 0 CIR would have all frames coming into the switch =
automatically marked as discard eligible. This means that if =
congestion is encountered within the network, these frames are OK =
to throw away.=20

I have a tried and true way of verifying CIR......I see what the =
switch is set to!!! :-)

CIR is configurable on EACH PVC.=20

Kyle Platts
!NTERPRISE Networking Services