Re: Request-Authenticator

John G. Thompson (
Fri, 25 Jul 1997 14:39:02 -0700

At 02:01 PM 7/25/97 -0700, Adam L. Geiger wrote:
>I was looking through my radius detail file and found this and some of my
>Request-Authenticator = Unverified

>From a comment in the RADIUS 2.0 code...

                /* To be strictly compliant with the RADIUS Accounting RFC we
                   should only accept packets that returned SIGN_MATCH to
                   indicate the Request-Authenticator is valid, but to provide
                   compatibility with NASes that haven't implemented that yet
                   we accept no authenticator (all 0's) or mistaken ones, but
                   flag them as such.  The next release will be more strict.
John G. Thompson       Livingston Enterprises Inc.    Phone: (800) 458-9966
JOAT(MON)              4464 Willow Road                 Fax: (510)737-2110 Pleasanton, CA 94588
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