Re: Login anomaly or security issue?
Fri, 25 Jul 1997 17:38:51 +0100 (BST)

On Fri, 25 Jul 1997, Jason Robbins wrote:

> A user, lets call him 'joe' accidentally logged in yesterday with his
> username, a space and his lastname, 'joe last'. He authenticated
> just fine, and a show session listed him as 'joe last', as did the detail
> file. We are using radius, system authentication to a linux box.
> Haven't checked yet to see if I can log into linux as 'joe testguy'
> (but I seriously doubt it). I don't know if this is a security
> issue, but at the very least, it makes examining the detail file a
> little more difficult.

This also happens for users that try to authenticate with "@" symbols in
their username (e.g. Should this be the case or
is this something different? I'm running an ancient version (2.4.16) of
MERIT radius (with a few local hacks).

Richard Morrell
edNET systems admin