Re: Login anomaly or security issue?

thrasher (
Fri, 25 Jul 1997 10:21:32 -0500 (CDT)

On Fri, 25 Jul 1997, Jason Robbins wrote:

> A user, lets call him 'joe' accidentally logged in yesterday with his
> username, a space and his lastname, 'joe last'. He authenticated
> just fine, and a show session listed him as 'joe last', as did the detail
> file. We are using radius, system authentication to a linux box.
> Haven't checked yet to see if I can log into linux as 'joe testguy'
> (but I seriously doubt it). I don't know if this is a security
> issue, but at the very least, it makes examining the detail file a
> little more difficult.

This is normal. Radius drops the items after the space when
authentacating. So joe last is viewed as the user name joe, and checked
against your password file for the user joe. I've been told this is a
"feature" of radius so additional parameters can be passed to the radius
server by the user.

Also not that in the accounting data the user will be in as "joe last"
and not just "joe".


> Jason