Re: When did OSPF become The IGP? (was Re: BGP on dialup links?)

Daniel Simms (
24 Jul 1997 15:42:31 -0700

>>>>> "JS" == John Storms <> writes:

JS> First, forgive my ignorance, but I don't the acronym 'WRT IGP'

Sorry, "WRT" == "with respect to", "IGP" == "interior gateway

JS> is that most cases, not all, OSPF makes a better choice for an
JS> internal gateway protocol and depends on their system needs. If
JS> you want to use BGP as an IGP feel free to do so, we've tested
JS> that knowing that some people will implement it in this fashion.

This was nearly exactly the reasoning for making my point, which
wasn't a terribly large one, about being shoehorned into a particular
IGP especially when the connection type doesn't matter all that much.

And now, back to your regularly schedule modem-problems program...

Daniel Simms          A strange looking creature indeed. But truly      excellent at believing the most preposterous things
(408) 720-6161            -- "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency"