Re: Fewer Modem Cards

Miquel van Smoorenburg (
25 Jul 1997 00:34:36 +0200

In article <>,
Joe Portman <> wrote:
>Now, with a PRI, you get a lot more call information into the PM3 even
>before the call is completed.
>Later, if there are no modems free:
>Switch: "Hi, I have a voice call for you":
>PM3: "Oops, no more voice calls for this trunk group, try another"
>If you switch is provisioned correctly, then all will work just fine.

Ha, ha, ha, ha hehe etc. Not in Holland. After I spent _three days_ explaining
this concept to the Dutch PTT (Dutch Telecom that has a monopoly here) I
finally talked to a techie that told me "yes that's theoretically possible,
BUT we didn't buy that software option. Try again in a few years". Yes,
he said that LITERALLY "try again in a few years" ! So now we HAVE to fully
populate all our PM3's with digital modems even though they are never going
to be used all at the same time. Swell.

The monopoly ends this year. I sorely hope that the new competitors DID buy
that software option in their switches.


| Miquel van Smoorenburg |  "I need more space" "Well, why not move to Texas" |
|     |  "No, on my account, stupid." "Stupid? Uh-oh.."    |
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