Re: Question : CIR

Stephen Fisher (
Thu, 24 Jul 1997 10:17:03 -0600 (MDT)

CIR is committed information rate - the speed that they guarantee you will
get on the circuit. The circuit can and will go up to the max bandwidth
of the circuit at times though.

A CIR of 0 would mean that they don't guarantee any traffic will pass
through it, but it can go up to the speed of the circuit.

BW = 56000 means you are guaranteed 56k.

On Thu, 24 Jul 1997, Chris Adams wrote:

> Okay, I'm confused then. We are peering with the other local ISPs over
> a Frame Relay link. I thought we were getting the PVCs with 0 CIR, but
> when I do "show frame-relay map" on the Cisco that the FR is connected
> to, it shows "BW = 56000" for each. I am new to FR and am still
> learning. Sorry for the confusion!