Re: V.FC support for the PM3

Stephen Fisher (
Thu, 24 Jul 1997 09:57:32 -0600 (MDT)

Start off by explaining to them how old and non-standard and worse than
V.34 V.FC is. Tell them that their V.FC modem is years old and should be
upgraded anyway. V.FC doesn't even connect at different rates for TX and
RX (V.34 will let a modem send at 28.8k, and receive at 26.4k for
example). Also V.FC has problems with line noise and worse-than-perfect
line conditions. Apparently a lot of V.FC modems can be upgraded by the
manufacturer with a data pump change.

V.FC has to die, I admire Livingston for not throwing in support for it in
the PM3. It's a waste of time and just helps V.FC survive longer.

Offer a credit towards buying a new modem, and perhaps point them to a
nice 56K modem. If you charge $25/mo offer them a $50 credit (US$..
convert to local equivilants) towards a new modem - this is better than
losing the customer for more than two months and losing more money than
the credit would cost you.

On Thu, 24 Jul 1997, Oystein Homelien wrote:

> The problem I am facing is that we are expected to support V.FC even
> though it is not a standard, and the Total Controls (which our
> competitors use) do support it as far as I can see.