Re: BGP on dialup links? (fwd)

Howard Leadmon (
Thu, 24 Jul 1997 01:41:32 -0400 (EDT)

> Once upon a time Dick St.Peters shaped the electrons to say...
> >I know most people will think it an insane question, but does the new
> >Portmaster BGP4 run over dialup links?
> I'm fairly sure that's a no.
> We are looking at OSPF over dial links, a good case has been built for that.
> -MZ

If someone can justify BGP over a dialup link I would love to hear that one..

Heck, now days anything shy of 32 C's really won't propigate, and if
someone has that big of a net to announce over a 28K dialup they
really need to rethink connectivity options..

Sorry, I couldn't resist.. :)

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