Re: Question : CIR

John-David Childs (
Wed, 23 Jul 1997 22:14:09 -0600 (MDT)

On Wed, 23 Jul 1997, Ward R. Goodwin Jr. wrote:

> At 09:38 AM 7/23/97 +0100, Gordon Soukoreff wrote:
> >
> >This maybe a dumb question, but how can I tell or check that
> >the Telco is giving me the CIR on the Framed Relay I'm paying
> >for.

I use a program called TCPBLAST (on *nix systems) to pump as much data
across a line to my immediate upstream as possible and measure the result.
If throughput is off by more than 20% of expected maximum, I start calling.
It's sometimes helpful to do this with a telco engineer on the line who can
tell you how many dropped packets they're seeing on the line.

Me: "I think something is wrong with my FR circuit"
Telco: "Really, what makes you think that?"
Me: (while running TCPBLAST) "I seem to have a higher than normal dropped
packet rate."
Telco: "Hmmm...."

(and off you go...)

Remember to take into account not only your TCPBLAST, but aggregate
input/output from regular traffic too ;)


John-David Childs (JC612) System Administrator Enterprise Internet Solutions & Network Engineer 901 E 17th Ave, Denver 80218 A professor is one who talks in someone else's sleep.