Re: Packard bell

Chris Owen (
Wed, 23 Jul 1997 21:51:07 -0500 (CDT)

On Wed, 23 Jul 1997, Christopher M. Stach wrote:

> Dick St.Peters wrote...
> >
> > > In a word, yes. From what I heard, PB got a bad build of Win95, and
> > > it wound up on millions of machines that hit the market in time for
> > > the Christmas season last year. We were deluged with them.
> Does anybody have a fix for these machines? Other then reloading windows
> or formatting..

I didn't reply to the list the first time to this because really it isn't
topical, but I've run into this a few times and installing IE 3.0.2 from
our IEAK generated install disks fixes this every time.


Chris Owen             ~  Lottery: A tax on stupid people
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