RE: K56flex modem card shipping update.

Marty Likier (
Wed, 23 Jul 1997 08:09:09 -0700

At 08:18 AM 7/23/97 -0600, Tim Hodges, Triangle Telephone Cooperative
Assoc. wrote:
>Excellent news.. one little question I have is will a new ComOS for the cards
>be available as soon as I get the cards. I hope so... I think so... but
>it doesn't really say anything in the announcement..

Yes. To use the new Lucent-based modem cards you will have to upgrade to a
new version of the ComOS. The new version still carries a modem image for
the existing cards, so you can upgrade the ComOS first, and then install
the Lucent-based cards as they become available. In fact, with the new
ComOS, you can even intermix existing and new modem cards within the same

Marty Likier
Product Marketing Mgr.