Re: Stoping Multiple logins

Robert Boyle (
Mon, 21 Jul 1997 18:11:32 -0400

At 08:36 AM 07/21/97 -0700, John Storms wrote:
>Once upon a time when I used to be with an ISP this is how I "resolved"
>multiple logins.
>There is a little tape and spit involved, but it worked nicely.
>Basically its a system that runs independent of RADIUS that you can run
>from just about anywhere. It polls the PortMasters with pmwho for who is
>on and then identifies the duplicates. Using tmp files and pmcommand we
>reset the ports with mutiple logins. So this dosen't prevent multiple
>logins, but it does "resolve" multiple logins.


>One of these tmp files is generated for each portmaster that has ports to
>Then (were still in the Perl script) call on pmcommand to run the reset
>scripts on each portmaster.

Although I am sure that this John's solution works very well. I would
personally recommend a much more straightforward implementation using IEA's
RadiusNT. I am not affiliated with Dale or IEA in any way except that I am
a user of Emerald & RadiusNT. If you are running NT and if you have MS
Access, it is VERY easy to implement. The total time required is about 15
minutes and it will work for all of your portmasters and users with a
simple additional database entry for each caller online. Just my $.02!


btw- One advantage to JS's method (and a disadvantage when using RadiusNT)
is that if the UDP packets for the stop record are not received by Radius,
then the person will still show as being logged on in the database despite
the fact that they are no longer connected to the PM. At this time, this
must be reset manually.

>At 08:39 PM 7/20/97 +1000, Greg Weaver wrote:
>>Is there any way I can detect and/or limit multiple logins to a PM2e.
>>I'm using NT boxes for Radius etc, so PmMon is out.