Re: OSPF checksum error on Cisco

Stephen R. van den Berg (
Mon, 21 Jul 1997 17:57:41 +0200

Greg Skouby wrote:
>We called livingston. We got a response after 4 days of our network going
>up and down with these bad checksum errors with OSPF. Another guy on the
>list said they suggested to him that he turn off auth and maybe that would
>clear things up. I agree with him that it is a bad idea to turn off auth.
>The first thing the guy from livingston said was to try turning simple
>passwd *on* and it will "ignore" the checksum. Obviously this is wrong
>because we *are* and always have been using simple passwd. Anybody know
>anything else about this? Zone??

So finally people are waking up here. I reported this checksum error to
*both* the list and to back in January (running 3.5c6).
I was and still am running several gated daemons on Linux boxes, and they
had numerous checksum errors in the logs. Routes didn't propagate all that
well with these gateds throwing away OSPF packets from the PM3.

Back then nobody seemed to be experiencing the same and the official
reply from Livingston was that it "must be a problem with gated".

Well, I have since removed checksum-verification from my gated copies
and things more or less work. But it ain't pretty, of course.

           Stephen R. van den Berg (AKA BuGless).
"I hate spinach, and I'm glad that I hate it, because if I wouldn't hate it,
 I would have to eat it, and I hate it!"