Re: Stoping Multiple logins

John Storms (
Mon, 21 Jul 1997 08:36:41 -0700

Once upon a time when I used to be with an ISP this is how I "resolved"
multiple logins.
There is a little tape and spit involved, but it worked nicely.

Basically its a system that runs independent of RADIUS that you can run
from just about anywhere. It polls the PortMasters with pmwho for who is
on and then identifies the duplicates. Using tmp files and pmcommand we
reset the ports with mutiple logins. So this dosen't prevent multiple
logins, but it does "resolve" multiple logins.

Using a perl script call pmwho to poll each of your portmasters redirecting
the output to a tmp file.
Next, still using your perl script, read in the tmp file and make an array
out of it.
Scroll through the array and identify users with the same name.
Check against a list (I kept it as a separate file and just used perl to
scroll through it) of people allowed to have multiple logins and how many.
If the person was not in the list, figure out which user on which
portmaster on which port has been on the longest.
For each multiple login minus the person who has been on the longest
generate a 'reset <portnumber>' into another tmp file.
One of these tmp files is generated for each portmaster that has ports to
Then (were still in the Perl script) call on pmcommand to run the reset
scripts on each portmaster.

At 08:39 PM 7/20/97 +1000, Greg Weaver wrote:
>Is there any way I can detect and/or limit multiple logins to a PM2e.
>I'm using NT boxes for Radius etc, so PmMon is out.
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while seaching for a big rock.