"impossible" problem with Win3.1 client

Martin Oakes (martin@vine.co.uk)
Mon, 21 Jul 1997 14:22:58 +0100


An existing PM2 customer is experiencing a problem with his PM3. He has
an analogue dial-in client using Internet Explorer on Windows3.1 and the
DNS lookups on the URL fail.

The "impossible" part of it is that:

. it works fine if he dials into a PM2.
. it works fine if he uses a different TCP/IP stack
. it works fine with a telnet client
. it works fine with Win95.

The PM customer has tracked the DNS request through the PM3, to the DNS
server, and the succesful reply back into the PM3.

For some reason getting the dial-in client to switch to a working
configuration is not an option.

The PM2s and the PM3 are on the same ethernet segment and appear to have
equivalent configurations. Both forward and reverse DNS have been set up
for all allocated IP numbers.

Does it ring any bells?


Martin Oakes support@knowware.co.uk
KnowWare (UK) Ltd. http://www.knowware.co.uk/
1, Glentworth Road, Redland, Bristol BS6 7EQ
Tel: (0117) 923 2218 Fax: (0117) 924 6358