Re: Multi-link ppp on analog ports of a PM3

Tom Samplonius (
Sun, 20 Jul 1997 23:34:41 -0700 (PDT)

On Mon, 21 Jul 1997, Kelley Lingerfelt wrote:

> > > This would tend to screw up those duplicate logins also, provided they
> > > were calling from different computers.
> >
> > Huh? I don't understand. You don't get MP, unless you ask for it.
> >
> Probably, just my ignorance, but I was assuming that a login with the
> same name would get the same address, which if someone decided to give out
> their password to someone else, when they both got on, they would get half
> of this and half of that, a total clusterf*ck for both logins.

This will happen if you use static assignment, and duplicate logins
occur. It really has nothing to do with MP, as it will happen with any
kind of network login.

> Later
> Kelley
