Re: Incompatible set of protocols... (fwd)

Christopher Ostmo (
Sun, 20 Jul 1997 14:01:57 -0800

On 18 Jul 97 at 8:59, MegaZone put down his coffee cup long enough to

> Once upon a time Bubba Smith shaped the electrons to say...
> >I have noticed from time to time that our win95 users will start getting
> >"incompatible set of protocols" when they try to login. This happens out of
> It is a well known problem with Win95. Win95 shoots itself in the
> foot with DUN from time to time, for no real reason. The only
> solution I've seen is reloading it.
> -MZ
<stuff deleted>

This problem can usually be corrected by two things:
1) Idealize the modem setup.
2) Remove any unnecessary network protocols.

You get this message if Windows has to wait too long to make a
connection to the server. If the modem is not setup ideally, thus
taking too long to connect, you will receive this message. Having
Windows attempting to negotiate IPX/SPX and NETBeui also creates an
extra time burden on the dial in connection.

Configuring the modem is MUCH easier to do than removing and
reloading TCP/IP. Especially when you consider that 9 out of 10
users don't know whether or not they even have Windows 95 disks, much
less where they are.

Anyone dealing with this issue needs to familiarize themselves with
modems and their configurations as much as they possibly can.

I hope this helps...

Christopher Ostmo
Rosenet, Inc.

For a good time,