MIB's and SNMP

Jawaid Bazyar (bazyar@hypermall.com)
Sun, 20 Jul 1997 00:46:02 -0600 (MDT)

Hi folks,

What tools do you find useful for using the SNMP features of the PM series?

I've got a PM3, and I want to use MRTG to monitor a number of things on
the box, but I don't know where to start to determine the appropriate
code (MIB number?) to use.

Is there such a thing as a catalog of ID's and descriptions? Aside from
that, any good places to start reading-wise?



 Jawaid Bazyar              |   Affordable WWW & Internet Solutions
 Interlink Advertising Svcs |   for Small Business
 bazyar@hypermall.com       |   P.O Box 641               (303) 781-3273
 --The Future is Now!--     |   Englewood, CO 80151-0641  (303) 789-4197 fax