Re: E-mail support (fwd)

Patrick Greenwell (
Sat, 19 Jul 1997 22:32:42 -0700 (PDT)

On Sat, 19 Jul 1997, MegaZone wrote:

> Once upon a time Eric Kozowski shaped the electrons to say...
> >As for an auto ACK, try procmail or req.
> An auto-ACK was vetoed at the top. The opinion is that a message that

Tell the top they are wrong. Or if you would forward me their number, I
would be happy to.

> only says 'we got your mail' means nothing. If it doesn't bounce, we got it.

That is ludicrous.... Especially with the number of unanswered messages to

> A simple 'we got it' is simple - but doesn't tell you anything useful like
> a tracking number. And it wouldn't make any difference in actual support.

It does tell you something useful: That someone, somewhere received the
message. Then when that message goes unanswered, I can bitch at someone
for not responding.... Still haven't heard any response about my problems
with the OR's.... Or do I have to call?

Patrick Greenwell (800) 299-1288
Systems Administrator