Re: PM (Cisco) Packet Filtering - MAC? (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sat, 19 Jul 1997 21:39:37 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Doug Westervelt shaped the electrons to say...
>That's what I wanted to know. Does the PM or, for example, a Cisco 2501
>have access to the MAC or have an arp table where the MAC can be compared
>to the IP address?

We don't filter on MACs. I don't think Cisco does, but I'm not positive.

>> 2. Take away the ability of the remote user to change their tcpip settings
>Can this be done in Win95? Anyway, it would solve the case of someone
>bringing in their own notebook and plugging into an Ethernet port.

Not that I know of.

>Rats. I was under the impression that there were access lists/IP filters
>on the PMs. I guess that any filtering I do will have to happen on my

There are. You can filter on any interface, inbound and outbound, based
on IP and sockets.


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