Re: Upgrade of 3.5.1b17 (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sat, 19 Jul 1997 19:10:50 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time CYGNET Support shaped the electrons to say...
>I have done this before with someone from Livingston but was a while ago.
>What is the procedure for eraseing the COMOS as I am without config guide
>at this site.

To erase all of FLASH (ComOS AND config):

'set register 0xffff 0x0f63'

To erase only config:

'set register 0xffff 0x0102'

Now - something not in the manuals. ;-)

To erase ComOS but NOT config (I don't know if this works on the PM-3):

'set register 0xffff 0x0100'
'set register 0xffff 0x0101'
'set register 0xffff 0x0103'

I'm sure a few people just realized what it being done, seeing as there
are 4 FLASH chips...


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