Re: how to program DLCIs' (fwd)

MegaZone (
Thu, 17 Jul 1997 15:41:09 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Carl Oppedahl shaped the electrons to say...
>Ready for the bad news? Subinterfacing doesn't work on the OR-LS. Or at
>least, it didn't work a couple of months ago when I reported this problem.
>Maybe the software for the OR-LS has been fixed since then. But as of

It has. As of 3.5.1b20 subinterfaces work on all products with a sync
port - previously it was IRX only. The problem is, AFAIK, b20 isn't a
public beta for the OR yet, something was still being tweaked last I heard.

But it will be there in the next release.

Not only does it have subinterfaces now, but now you can have multiple
subinterfaces, up to 32 on a sync port - instead of the single subinterface.

>then, it didn't work. Yes, it is right there in the user manual, which I
>had ordered in advance of my buying decision for the OR-LS. But it didn't

Yeah, we screwed up there. Engineering didn't make that clear to
documentation, and documentation believed it was the same as the IRX which
was already documented. It caught a number of people off guard when it came
up. An definitely 'oops' for us - but we turned around and added the support
to the 3.5.1 stream fairly quickly, along with the work that was already
underway to increase the number of available subinterfaces.

>What you need to do is to check with Livingston on this. Hopefully
>subinterfacing works now on the OR-LS, and you can simply load the latest
>operating system into one of your OR-LSs, the one that is going to be A.

It will as of the next release.


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