Re: E-mail support (fwd)

Patrick Greenwell (
Thu, 17 Jul 1997 15:22:04 -0700 (PDT)

On Thu, 17 Jul 1997, MegaZone wrote:

> Once upon a time Patrick Greenwell shaped the electrons to say...
> >> On top of everything else, it is annoying. I also tend to ignore them on
> >> the list.
> >Heaven forbid customer annoying you....
> I don't have to answer things here. If it goes to support and to the list I
> generally delete it and let them get the answer from support.

You know I am well aware that you don't have to answer anything here MZ.
You have gone to excruciatingly great lengths to point this out time and
time again. Personally, I wish Livingston would pay *someone* to *have* to
answer questions here. It really isn't fair to you to have to answer
countless questions which you do time and time again on your own time, and
it is annoying *for me* to hear "I don't have to answer questions here" on
a semi-regular basis.

> If anyone annoys me, and it isn't something I have to put up with as a job
> duty, then I will ignore them. That's a basic way I get through life - ignore
> annoying people unless I absolutely have to deal with them. Say when I was
> working support - I couldn't very well ignore annoying people who sent in
> a support issue. It was my job to answer them, like it or not.

Well, to your credit, you haven't ignored me yet... ;-)

However, responses to support mail remains spotty at best, and I question
the validity of the folder excuse. It seems with all the brainpower
there, someone would be able to set up their email software to not
"accidently" delete mail to support that has been cc'd to the list, or
visa-versa. I submitted a bug report several weeks ago, and nothing...
However I did cc it to the list to see if other people had the problem
with ComOS on other boxes(my problem was with an OR-HS unit.)

Patrick Greenwell (800) 299-1288
Systems Administrator